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Monday, January 30, 2006

Great resource on gospel-motivated feminine modesty

I finally got around to listening to another of the messages that C.J. and Carolyn Mahaney gave at the 2005 Men's and Women's Conference of the Bible Church of Little Rock.

This one is titled "The Soul of Modesty" and is a terrific and helpful exposition of Scripture addressing the subject of feminine modesty. However, lest you misunderstand modesty to mean "prudeness" or "unattractive dress," let me commend you to listen to this message, which instead defines modesty in a gospel-centered rather than fashion-centered way. In other words, C.J. is not interested in having you all dress as if you lived on the set of Little House on the Prairie. Instead, the goal is to dress as women mindful of the gospel, both in relationship to other believers as well as the lost. The message was especially helpful to me as a father of a daughter (soon to be two!) and thinking about how to help them in this area in the future.

If you're short on time, a brief summary of the points made in the message can be found on the Sovereign Grace Ministries site. Nevertheless, I'd encourage you to make the time (about an hour) to hear C.J. deliver this humble and powerful sermon.

Note: C.J. makes reference to a helpful two-sheet guide called a "Modesty Heart Check" written by his wife Carolyn and their three daughters. You can download that from the same site.

UPDATE: The audio & SGM links have been updated.